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We have a reading window in June and July each year - please only submit in these months. If you submit at other times, we will hold your submission until the following August, which is when we read and select for that year's issue. So, if you submit in September, you could have a long wait!


All poems should be unpublished. This includes online publication, if it's freely accessible by anybody. Poems that have been on closed Facebook groups and the like for sharing or workshopping are fine.


Please email us up to 60 lines of poetry - that count includes titles, but not stanza breaks. That count can be divided as you wish: one longer poem, several villanelles or sonnets, lots of haiku or any mix you like. Feel free to send both formal and free verse in the same set, as long as the total is no more than 60 lines.


Append each poem as a separate attachment, in docx, doc, rtf or txt format. No pdfs, as we have to retype them and no poems in the body of emails, as this can disturb their formatting. We once published a formally lined and stanzaed poem as a prose poem, because that's how it came through in the email.


Please put you name and address at the bottom of each poem.


Email to: editor (at) thebroadsheet (dot) co (dot) uk - replace bracketed words with normal symbols.


We normally only accept one poem from any contributor and we aim to let everybody know by the end of August. Only residents, including temporary ones (students etc) living in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire or Bristol are eligible for consideration by The Broadsheet.


Suspended this year

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